My text message reads:
I have some important news that I want to make official.
I've chosen Joe Biden to be my running mate.
Joe and I will appear for the first time as running mates this afternoon in Springfield, Illinois -- the same place this campaign began more than 19 months ago.
I'm excited about hitting the campaign trail with Joe, but the two of us cant do this along. We need your help to keep building this movement to change."
Senator Biden definitely meets the test and is highly capable of becoming the President of the United States if anything were to happen to Senator Obama. This key moment was something that all were eager to see, and in my opinion, he has choose someone who can take the punches and throw them as well. Senator Obama, who has been criticized for not being as hard as many believe he should be on the McCain campaign has definitely chosen someone who is not afraid to fight back at criticism and someone capable of holding his own.
Obama's former rival, Senator Hillary Clinton stated in a written statement Saturday morning that, "Senator Obama has continued in the best traditions for the vice presidency by selecting an exceptionally strong, experienced leader and devoted public servant." While many Clinton supporters are upset that Senator Clinton was not even a consideration, this statement proves that Senator Clinton is not totally dissatisfied with Obama's choice.
When Senator John McCain's campaign found out who would be the veep, they quickly reacted with a written statement and campaign ad, calling attention to Senator Biden's past remarks about Senator Obama's experience. This is not the first time that a presidential nominee has chosen a VP who has criticized them during the primaries. No matter who he choose, i'm sure that they have criticized Obama for something in the past.
My words to OBAMA is that he has picked a candidate who enhances his chances of winning and I am proud to support an OBAMA/BIDEN ticket! YES WE CAN!
Sidebar: With everything in my being, I believe that CHANGE will happen for me, my family, and my unborn children, as soon as Senator Barack Obama is elected the next President of the United States of America.
Take a look at the vid below if you BELIEVE!
i saw this coming!
AWWW I love the video..OBAMA! OBAMA!
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